This is Kim pointing to the sun.
I ended up spontaneously going back two weekends later for my roommate's birthday. We went us four Chiang Rai girls, Kristen, Jen, Alicia , and me in that order. I have a funny face in this picture because we were having very bad luck finding an adequate photographer, and I guess I was just not having it anymore :)
Anyway, Pu Chi Fah is not in any guide book, but is an extremely popular Thai destination. We were the only foreigners for miles - this is what we call the "farang show." Basically everyone stares at us and says "farang, farang, farang." Both times I've been, we've made friends with a group of young Thais camping next to us. Both times, they haven't spoken a word of English and both times we've managed to find a way to communicate. It is so rewarding when you can finally make yourself understood, or better yet when I understand what they've told me in Thai! I'm slowly understanding more and more... Just as I am leaving , of course! Anyway, we then woke up the next morning when it was still dark and hiked up the mountain to watch the sun rise, absolute bliss....
I can't think of a more unique birthday than my 25th on a mountain on the border of Thailand and Laos!
Happy Birthday darling! This looks amazingly beautiful, just like you :)
Lucky lucky!! You deserve it. I kindof know what that kind of experience feels like. You can see a pic of it too: when I was dreaming in the mountains of Guatemala last year:
Ahh I miss travellin!! Please, extra enjoy a little for me!
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