A couple weekends ago, I went to visit my friends who are teaching in a town called Thawangpah in the Nan province. Only one bus ventures out there from Chiang Rai a day, so my trip was short, but well worth it! In fact the bus ride in itself was an adventure. We cruised through the northern mountains, the road is infamous amongst northern Thais for car sickness. They hand out vomit bags on the bus and the girl sitting next to me on the way there threw up the entire way. The road is quite spectacular though. With my ipod on, I couldn't be happier. The way back was a bit more difficult as the bus was packed and I stood for 2 hours in the mountains. I learned to appreciate the beauty in that though after I told myself "Juliet, you are standing in a packed bus amongst Thais, high up in the mountains on the border of Thailand and Laos..!" I know that in a year when I'll be sitting in my cubicle in my 9 to 7 job (that is if I find a job), I will do anything to be standing on a bus in the Thai mountains!
The day spent in Thawangpa itself was lovely. My friend Marianne gave me the grand tour on her motorbike. That night, it was freezing, but we all went out to a nice dinner and warmed up to Tom Kha Gai soup and beer.

Attempting to capture bus ride home back!

Enjoying the Thai beer.

With Marianne in the rice paddies.
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1 comment:
I love the sentiment you expressed in this posting! It's so good to appreciate every moment, even the hard ones, because being tied to a desk is so not fun compared to the adventures in Thailand.
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